Professional Services
Giuliani Associates’ in-house staff of architects, cost estimators, designers, planners, and specification writers complemented by various consulting specialists, possesses the capability to meet any design need immediately, efficiently, and responsibly. Utilizing a design process in which each phase is fully documented, reviewed, and evaluated by the
client, Giuliani Associates is able to provide a complete history of a project’s development and consequently a framework for meaningful evaluation of the client’s goals. In addition to architecture and interior design, Giuliani Associates offers the following services:
- Architecture
- Building Information Modeling (BIM)
- Collaboration Management
- Construction Administration Services
- Design Standard’s Development
- Existing Conditions Survey
- Facility Assessments
- Facility Data Management
- Facility Documentation
- Feasibility Studies
- Furniture, Fixtures, & Equipment
- Graphic Design & Wayfinding
- Interiors
- Post Production
- Presentations (Animations, Books, Movies, & Slide Shows)
- Programming and Planning
- Project Management
- Virtual Reality
- Visualizations & Wayfinding
Giuliani Associates prides itself in a work flow that incorporates over fifty years of practice. Project Managers are trained to utilize the sophisticated tools used by Giuliani Associates to help manage projects for owners, tenants, consultants, contractors and sub-contractors. The firm starts every opportunity with the same procedure. At the beginning of each project, project managers establish projects in Deltek Vision software to manage resources, track time, and keep projects within defined budgets. Giuliani Associates uses several collaboration tools to assist in the coordination of information among team members. Newforma Project Management is used to track communication between various project participants. Giuliani Associates uses Newforma Information Exchange to transfer large files between the design team and the construction team. Onuma System BIM Gallery is used to exchange information with the Owner.
Design is a key service offered by Giuliani Associates. Projects start with the development or review of a program by vetting it using the Onuma System. Giuliani Associates incorporates projects into the Onuma System; the Onuma database can then
be transferred to many design graphic modeling tools where the design is advanced in 2D and 3D. During design charrettes multiple schemes are developed and incorporated into animations to help the owner visualize the schemes.
Once the project has been designed and is in construction the Giuliani Team continues to monitor and support the client by answering RFIs, reviewing submittals and making site visits. All of which are tracked using the Newforma Project Center Server.
Post Construction Services for the Owner include everything from continuing project website support and the storing of record drawings, operations and maintenance manuals, and warranty information. The hosted website can be configured to monitor various building equipment in real time. Not only can building systems be monitored remotely, but they can be controlled for energy savings as well.